
RELEASE 2022-05-20

The new version of Peekdata Reporting API v.2.2.3 has been released and is available on our repositories at docker hub.


So, what’s new?


1. Additional connectors to well knows database engines have been added:

Snowflake, Amazon Redshift, Clickhouse, Firebird and Oracle

Full list of datasources available is here.


2. Filtering operations for requests were extended by adding CONTAINS/NOT CONTAINS operations, which provides the possibility to search using fragments or portions of the search string Please see the documentation.


3. In case you have several databases (for sharding or mirroring purposes) pre-selection of specific connections can be used within Request parameters, so Engine will use the right connection for the reports. Documentation.


4. More tools for managing, debugging and visualisation of data model have been added:

4.1 For getting the whole list of database tables and columns used in the data model , use getting tables and columns methods.

4.2 Getting list of files (for grouping of dimensions and measures) used in Data Model use this method.

4.3 To get the Graphviz DOT file use the method . The output of this can be used in new Peekdata UI Toolkit for visualization of Data Model Graph or many online tools available.


5. For the upcoming new feature – the UI tools for the configuration building and management, possibility to read and load engine’s configurations were added.


6. To list database schemas, tables and columns special methods are built-in into API engine:

 Please also note that mentioned functionality can be switched on/off. Please see it’s configuration here

What’s next?

– New UI tool to manage API Engine’s configuration  will be released in June-July of 2022 and will be available for all Peekdata users.
– To increase performance, Data Caching will be released at the end May of 2022;
– Data Exporting Engine will be released in July of 2022 to provide exporting services based on schedule to S3, FTP or File. This Engine will also provide ASYNC methods to get the huge volumes of data.

So far, nearly that’s it. We hope the new tools we work on will be a perfect fit for you and your customers.

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